Alumni Sharing: Daniel Purnama

Daniel Purnama, an alumnus of the Animation concentration class of 2013, shared his experience as a freelance concept artist and illustrator. During the online meeting, Daniel discussed how he manages projects with clients as an animation graduate in the ‘Film Management’ course for the Animation concentration.

Daniel Purnama on Film Management Class

Daniel shared about what freelance work entails, as well as the pros and cons of working as a freelancer. He elaborated on his working process, including how he manages and communicates with his clients. He also shared how he works and manages his day-to-day activities as a freelance illustrator. Daniel highlighted the importance of using references to ensure clear communication with clients and also emphasized the importance of expanding one’s skills by adapting to various styles and genres.

Daniel Sharing with the Class of the Pros & Cons of Freelance Work
Daniel and the Participants of the Online Session

We extend our thanks to Daniel for taking the time to share his insights with VCD UPH. You can check Daniel Purnama at his Instagram account.

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