Alumni: Angelina Kalinda

Angeline Kalinda

Hello everyone! Let me introduce myself, my name is Angelina Kalinda Eka Putri, a 2020 graduate of Visual Communication Design at UPH. I specialized in Animation during my studies at UPH, and now I work as a freelancer.

Studying at UPH’s Visual Communication Design program left a strong impression on me. I spent nearly the first three years studying online, followed by offline learning experiences on campus. I started as someone who had no knowledge of design basics at all, but now everything seems clearer and it has helped me develop in creating more engaging illustrations. The professors at UPH’s Visual Communication Design program care about the students, making each student, including myself, feel noticed and their feedback feels more personal. My peers were also very talented, which made my studies at UPH more exciting!

The Motion Graphics course was highly memorable for me. I learned to use After Effects to create various 2D animations. From not knowing how to use this software at all, now I can create motion graphics animations that enhance various projects. This course stood out because my professors were excellent at teaching complex software, allowing me to grasp it quickly. Personally, I already enjoyed drawing various 2D illustrations before joining UPH. I always felt there was something lacking and could be improved. From the various things I learned at UPH, I gained a foundation and guidance on what makes a design more engaging. From there, I gained a foothold to further develop my illustration skills. Until now, I continue to apply the knowledge I gained from UPH.

I would recommend UPH to anyone interested in design, especially those passionate about and looking to grow in the field. Not just in animation, I believe every specialization at UPH’s Visual Communication Design program like Graphic Design, Cinematography, and Illustration can help students interested in design to further develop. The way UPH professors teach ensures that students truly understand, and they care about each student personally. The relationship between students and professors sometimes feels like friends, making it easier and more comfortable to ask for guidance. This helps many who might feel shy or afraid to seek help from professors.

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