Hi, my name is Adrian Owen! I’m an alumnus of DKV UPH, graduating in 2021 and serving as the president of HMDKV in 2019-2020. During my final year at university, I began working at Jendela.Co, founded by our older alumnus, Raymond Ahari. Then, at the end of 2021, I started my own production company, “Homolog,” as a director and videographer, alongside my fellow alumni: Ferra Fergiani (president of HMDKV 2017-2018), Jeffry Imanuel (president of HMDKV 2016-2017), Kevin Imanuel, and Josephine Olivia (my mentor).
My four years at DKV UPH truly shaped me as both an artist and a person. Initially, cinematography wasn’t my first choice, but friends helped me realize its compatibility with my photography background, leading to immense personal and professional growth. I owe much of my success and gratitude to the friends I made during my studies.
My favorite subject was “Sejarah & Peradaban,” taught by Pak Ernest, Pak Alfian, and Pak Ferdinand. Understanding various art movements and eras has been invaluable in my career, allowing me to lead and direct others effectively. Personally, it has fostered a more civilized and open-minded perspective, delving into the philosophies of great minds.
While “Sejarah & Peradaban” significantly influenced my professional path, all the classes I took have contributed to my development as a videographer and director. “Studio Dasar” enhanced my understanding of composition, “Studio Utama” aided in project production, “Studio Pendukung” prepared me for pre-production, and even drawing class with Pak Donny improved my skills in color composition and storyboarding.
In the words of Steve Jobs, “Stay hungry, Stay foolish,” encapsulates the mindset of continuous learning post-graduation. University prepares us for the future but doesn’t make us experts. I, too, acknowledge that I still have much to learn.