Hey there! I’m Marcia Fortuna, but my friends call me Cia. I graduated in 2018 with a degree in Visual Communication Design, with a concentration in Cinematography from UPH.
Currently, I work as an illustrator specializing in visual development (also known as concept art), and I also attend conventions where I showcase and sell my artworks. Prior to university, I had zero artistic knowledge or skill, so the first few semesters at UPH were challenging. However, both the teachers and friends were very supportive. I was able to overcome these hurdles and gradually acquire valuable artistic knowledge and skills.
Particularly in my cinematography classes, I found myself drawn to the pre-production stage of movie creation, especially worldbuilding and storyboarding. This fascination eventually led me to further explore my interest in illustration. After graduating in 2022, I started making art prints of my artwork and joining art booth events under my brand name CallmeCia. The response was incredibly positive, and by 2024, I expanded internationally, participating in conventions in Singapore.
My most memorable class at UPH, though I can’t recall its specific name, was during my cinematography concentration. One assignment that stood out was when we were tasked with individually creating and presenting short stories to the class. Our teacher, who was incredibly open, listened attentively to each story and provided genuine feedback to every student. This particular assignment became my favorite because it allowed our creativity to run wild while also emphasizing the importance of purpose behind our creative decisions.
Choosing UPH for your degree is a fantastic decision. The campus is filled with supportive peers and teachers who genuinely care about your success. Personally, my time at UPH has been invaluable for my career growth.
“Shoot for the moon, and even if you miss you’ll land among the stars”