LEX March 2024 Opening

VCD UPH once again collaborated with Singapore Polytechnic in the Learning Express (LEX) event from March 18 to 27, 2024.

In this activity, students from Singapore Polytechnic worked together with students from Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) in project-based learning using a design thinking approach. UPH students participating in the LEX activity are a combination of students from the Faculty of Design, Faculty of Science and Technology (FaST), and the Faculty of Tourism.

Singapore Polytechnic Students Arriving at Universitas Pelita Harapan
Singapore Polytechnic Students Arriving at Universitas Pelita Harapan

On March 19, 2024, the opening of the LEX event took place, inaugurated by the rector of UPH, Dr. (Hon.) Jonathan L. Parapak, M.Eng.Sc., followed by introductions between UPH students and those from Singapore Polytechnic. Subsequently, there was a deep dive into understanding the design thinking material as part of their project-based learning preparation.

UPH's Rector, Dr. (Hon.) Jonathan L. Parapak, M.Eng.Sc., Welcoming Singapore Polytechnic's Representative
UPH’s Rector, Dr. (Hon.) Jonathan L. Parapak, M.Eng.Sc., Welcoming Singapore Polytechnic’s Representative
Photo of Everyone at the Learning Express Program's Opening
Photo of Everyone at the Learning Express Program’s Opening

Curious about how this edition of LEX UPH and Singapore Polytechnic is being carried out? Follow VCD UPH, Faculty of Design UPH, and LEX UPH on Instagram.

UPH Collaborates with Singapore Polytechnic to Bring Innovation to Villages

From YPPH Communications Office

In September, Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) hosted students from Singapore Polytechnic to partner with UPH students in applying design thinking to find innovative solutions to address some lingering problems faced by villages and informal urban settlements in Jakarta. This initiative was executed under LeX, a program initiated by the Singapore Polytechnic International (SPI) and supported by the Asia-Ready Exposure Program (AEP) ― a youth development program by the National Youth Council (NYC) Singapore. 

The program saw 30 students and three lecturers from SPI teaming up with 30 students and 13 lecturers from UPH School of Design (SoD) and Faculty of Science and Technology (FAST) to conduct social innovation design in Sukapura RW10 subdistrict, a poor riverbank community in North Jakarta, and Ciakar village in Tangerang regency on September 18-27, 2023. 

With the support of the local communities, they devised innovative programs such as riverbank community development and clean river initiatives, tempeh-making workshop, outdoor sportswear and equipment sewing, village school, making natural detergent from fruit peels, and oyster mushroom and worm farming. 

On the last day, the students held an exhibition in the form of a gallery walk to gather feedback from the UPH academic community, government officials, and the residents in the two locales. The solutions presented will have a positive impact on the local communities, and in the process, participating students were inspired to employ the knowledge and skills they learned at university to make a big difference in the world around them.