Student Leaders Appreciation & Inauguration 2023

On Thursday, September 14, 2023, Universitas Pelita Harapan held the Student Leaders Appreciation & Inauguration 2023 at the Grand Chapel of Universitas Pelita Harapan. This event was organized by the Student Life department of Universitas Pelita Harapan to appreciate the student organization leaders from the academic year 2022/2023 and to inaugurate the student organization leaders for the academic year 2023/2024.

During this event, many students from the Visual Communication Design program at Universitas Pelita Harapan took on roles as student organization leaders, both those who had completed their terms and those who were just beginning their roles in the academic year 2023/2024. One of the student organizations inaugurated during this event was the Student Association of the Visual Communication Design program, presided over by Eric Jobiliong, Ph.D., the Associate Provost for Academic and Innovation, Lestari Ayu Angraini, S.E., M.M., the Manager of Administration and Student Affairs for the Faculty of Design, Brian Alvin Hananto, S.Sn., M.Ds., the Chair of the Visual Communication Design program, and Lorentius Calvin, S.Ds., the Student Affairs Coordinator for the Visual Communication Design program.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to the students who have served during the academic year 2022/2023, and we extend our greetings to the students who are about to commence their service in the academic year 2023/2024. May God bless and guide each of our endeavors.

Dr. Martin Luqman Katoppo, S.T, M.T., Lorentius Calvin, S.Ds., Brian Alvin Hananto, S.Sn., M.Ds., and representatives of the student association of the visual communication design department

IMATYPE Vol. 2 No. 2

IMATYPE: Journal of Graphic Design Studies, Volume 2, Number 2, has just been published. This academic journal is a collaborative effort between the Graphic Design concentration and the Editorial & Publication Design Lab of Universitas Pelita Harapan (LABDE

This publication contains seven articles, with three of the articles written by students and lecturers of UPH VCD. Here are the articles:

Peran Tipografi Eksperimental Terhadap Visualisasi Lagu Dalam Album Sinestesia

Angel Cristina (Graphic Design 2018), Ferdinand Indrajaya

Translated abstract:

Typography in the field of Visual Communication Design is generally understood as a means of communication in the form of a collection of letter characters that are composed in such a way as to convey a message. The message conveyed is not only informative, where typography is positioned merely as an instrument (as a arrangement of words) that functions to explain other visual communication media such as illustration or photography. Typography can also be understood more than just the arrangement of explanatory text for images (both illustrative or photographic). Its existence can be understood as a dramatic and expressive visual medium. As stated by Rob Carter, the anatomy of typographic forms can be further explored with the aim of achieving a more expressive form. This exploratory approach is applied to challenge traditional views of typography as instrumental and functional. The manipulation of form, space, texture, and color in typography is explored to go beyond traditional understanding. Such typographic exploration is usually understood under the title of experimental typography. This experimental effort will be applied to the Sinestesia album redesign project, where typography engages in a dialogue with the songs as content without forgetting its role in conveying the message. The visual design process stages will refer to Robin Landa’s design methodology.

Perancangan Desain Kemasan Untuk Origami Coffee Filter Kaldi Kraftware

Yolanda Ruth Theophanie Taruli Tumilisar (Graphic Design 2020), Brian Alvin Hananto, Lorentius Calvin

Translated abstract:

The UMKM Kaldi Kraftware brand is a social-preneur brand with the goal of creating products derived from the processing of waste, particularly plastic bottles found on beaches and rivers, especially in the Nusa Tenggara Barat region. Currently, Kaldi Kraftware is in the process of launching a new product, the Origami Coffee Filter, using recycled and processed plastic bottles. The challenge faced in the design process lies in storytelling, where the brand encounters difficulties in disseminating their story to the audience. In this academic work, the focus will be on the packaging design process for the Kaldi Kraftware brand, from data collection to design evaluation, along with the methodology used in the design process. Additionally, the discussion will delve into the design process, outlining various alternatives provided and direct evaluation results given by the owner.

Perancangan Desain UI/UX untuk Aplikasi Restoran Makanan Sehat Grains of Glory

Caroline Heliawanto (Graphic Design 2019), Ellis Melini

Translated abstract:

The busy lifestyle has led to demands for convenience and practicality in various aspects. Almost every industry leverages technology to sustain its business, resulting in an increase in online food ordering through smartphone applications. Recognizing this, Grains of Glory aims to utilize technology to encourage and facilitate the community in adopting a healthier lifestyle. To achieve this goal, Grains of Glory plans to design a smartphone-based food ordering application.

To see more of IMATYPE, click the button below:

Alumni Gathering DKV 2018

The Alumni Gathering, organized by UPH’s DKV program, successfully reconnected alumni with their former professors on September 9, 2023, at Bottega Ristorante in Jakarta. The event began with MCs Regina and Elsa, followed by welcoming speeches from Mrs. Lala and Mrs. Elis, creating a warm and inclusive atmosphere. ICE Breaking mini-games facilitated interaction among attendees, while alumni participated in tracer studies, providing valuable insights into their post-graduation experiences. The evening featured a communal dinner and randomly selected door prizes, adding excitement to the gathering. Former lecturers actively engaged in discussions, fostering knowledge sharing and networking, ultimately achieving the event’s goal of strengthening bonds between alumni and educators.

Alumni: Katarina Monika

Photo of Katarina Monika. Image provided by Katarina Monika

First and foremost, I feel incredibly fortunate to have been a part of such a prestigious institution. My experience at Universitas Pelita Harapan has been quite a journey. Occasionally, I encountered a few challenging events during my study, but fortunately, the lecturers were friendly, inspiring, thoughtful, and resourceful individuals. They guided me to flourish my character into a better person. Their guidance, resources, and mentorship not only imparted valuable knowledge but also instilled in me a lifelong passion for my field.

As a student at Universitas Pelita Harapan, I discovered my deep-rooted passion for self-expression through various assignments. The university’s rich curriculum and facilities exposed my work to a diverse range of artistic disciplines, including painting, typography, branding, advertising, photography, and art history. Various learning methods and the library have widened my horizons, especially in design knowledge and taste, and played a pivotal role in shaping my academic and career trajectory.

As a graphic designer, personally, I felt like I embarked on a transformative journey during my time as a design student at Universitas Pelita Harapan. My experience and personal growth in the university’s vibrant design community shaped my artistry and laid the foundation for my creative career.

My time in the university’s study program was characterized by an atmosphere of inspiration and collaboration. Engaging with fellow students and faculty members provided valuable opportunities for critique, discussion, and artistic growth. The university’s teaching and learning activities became a sanctuary where creativity flourished, fostering an environment that nurtured our imagination and allowed ideas to come to life.

I wholeheartedly recommend the Universitas Pelita Harapan to prospective students seeking an enriching and transformative educational experience. My journey at this institution was nothing short of exceptional, and I am forever grateful for the opportunities it provided me. Thank you once again for being a crucial part of my academic journey.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Steve Jobs

Katarina Monika

Universitas Pelita Harapan
Visual Communication Design
Bachelor of Arts – BAGraphic Design
2005 – 2009

Welcoming New Students

On Friday, August 25, 2023, the Visual Communication Design program at Universitas Pelita Harapan welcomed new students during one of the events of the UPH Festival 2023.

Brian Alvin Hananto presenting the Vision of Universitas Pelita Harapan Visual Communication Design

During the event, Brian Alvin Hananto, S.Sn., M.Ds., the Head of the Visual Communication Design program at Universitas Pelita Harapan, introduced the faculty members of the program and also got to know some of the students from the class of 2023. Brian then proceeded to explain the vision and mission of the program as well as the curriculum framework to the new students in attendance. Brian also invited the student association of the program to welcome and invite the students to attend the Welcoming Party event that will be held on September 2, 2023.

Opening of Focal Point

On August 23th 2023, UPH Visual Communication Design opens the Focal Point Exhibition in Pelita Hall. The exhibition showcased works of the 2023 students on the photography course. The opening ceremony is attended by student, lecturers, and also guests of the Visual Communication Design department.

Focal Point Photography Exhibition

The exhibition and photography seminar for the students of Visual Communication Design (DKV) UPH 2023 carries the theme “FOCAL POINT.”

In the realm of photography, “Focal Point” refers to the main point of focus in a photographic work. The focal point is the primary subject that a photographer emphasizes to capture the observer’s attention. The focal point functions as a gateway for the observer into the story. The object that becomes the focal point becomes the main interpretation of the work. Hence, the quality of a focal point can determine the success of a piece of work, specifically whether it effectively communicates and impacts its observer. Without a focal point, an observer might struggle to identify the compelling elements in a photo, thereby impeding the interpretation process and resulting in a monotonous impression.

Through the photography exhibition titled ‘Focal Point,’ the students of DKV UPH are provided with the opportunity to showcase their skills and development over a year of learning. The exhibition will demonstrate the students’ understanding after being equipped with knowledge about photography techniques, composition, and photo processing using supporting software. Furthermore, the term ‘focal point’ also refers to the subject theme of the photos to be displayed, such as product photos and model photos.