“See” December 2023

Our Newsletter for December 2023 has been published.

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Raymond Ahari

Photo of Raymond Ahari.

My name is Raymond Ahari, and I’m an alumnus of DKV UPH, class of 2010. After graduating in 2014, I started a Production House business named “Jendela” along with some of my friends.

My four years at DKV UPH were undoubtedly a pleasant experience. The comfortable campus environment and complete facilities helped me study better, not to mention the competent lecturers and wonderful friends whom I got to know and learn from. Many things I know and implement in my work today, I picked up from my time at DKV UPH.

Although every class equipped me with different things that helped me become who I am today, I would say that the Videography class particularly left a mark on me. I didn’t initially plan to take the class, but I had a close relationship with the lecturer, and he told me about a great project that I could work on if I took his Videography class—and yes, of course, I ended up taking it!

One of the most important things that I learned from my days at DKV UPH is the significance of good teamwork. Choosing the right teammates will highly affect your results; it will help you finish the assignment right on time, with excellent quality.

As an alumnus, I recommend DKV UPH to those who are looking for a good place to learn and pursue their degree. I am always grateful for the opportunity to study at such a fine campus and faculty.

Ronaldo K. Dinguamah

Photo of Ronaldo K. Dinguamah

My name is Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah, but please call me Ronnie. I graduated in 2017 with a degree in Animation. Currently, I work as a Key Lighting Artist and occasionally undertake freelance projects in Lighting, Rendering Architecture, and Motion graphics.

I had no artistic background or experience prior to university, so I faced many challenges with the lessons initially. However, with God’s grace, my teachers’ guidance, and my friends’ support, I was able to acquire enough skills to join the international Animation Industry. I was fascinated by all the courses that involved animation. They enabled me to create animation from the initial concept to the final post-production. These courses taught me the steps of making an animation, which equipped me for the industry.

The curriculum of the creative industry, especially Animation, is hard to keep up with the current industry trends because technology changes rapidly. That is why UPH excels at teaching students the fundamental and conceptual aspects of design, especially the “design thinking” concept. This concept assists me in my work because it is not just about making “pretty” pictures, but about conveying a message with visual elements.

I think UPH is an excellent choice for students who aspire to learn how to think like designers. UPH helps you comprehend the design and animation principles in a holistic way, enhancing your design abilities. UPH also has remarkable lecturers who are passionate about the industry and their students’ education. If you seek to learn the basics and get support from qualified lecturers, I highly recommend UPH.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah, but you can call me Ronnie for short. In 2017, I delved into the world of creative design and pursued my studies in DKV UPH, with a keen focus on animation. Following my graduation, I embarked on a thrilling freelance journey in the advertising industry for six months, all while crafting my portfolio. In early 2021, I landed a position as a Lighting and Compositing artist at Pixel Zoo, an animation studio based in Brisbane, Australia. My expertise in 3D lighting and compositing has been instrumental in bringing to life several animation series or movies, including the likes of LOL Surprise, Rainbow High, and Mermaze, to name a few. Despite my specialization, I never lost my love for the traditional arts of drawing and painting, which continue to inspire and fuel my creative passions.

Alumni: Putu Widyayana Putra

Photo of Putu Widyayana Putra. Photo Provided by Putu.

Hi! My name is Putu Widyayana Putra. I studied in UPH’s DKV major during 2015-2019, with a concentration in Animation. Although we learned every aspect of animation production from pre-production to finish, I was drawn by the intricacy and challenges in creating Characters; that led me in my career as a 3D Character Artist.  I’m currently working as a Creative Director in Stairway Games. I love creating stories, worlds, and characters; seeing them come to life is one of my greatest passions in life.

From a very young age, I’ve been drawing as far as I can remember. I learned drawing and art through lots of attempts (and failures). Which brings me to my surprise when I entered UPH, I learned that art, design, and drawing is something that can be learned through methods and theories. This fundamentally changed my view of art; although creation fueled by passion and raw creativity is all good, a lot of times it doesn’t serve a higher purpose than the form itself. It allows me to tap into creating a more consistent body of work, something that was only achieved through “I’m inspired!” moments; which was an unreliable source of creation.

        Team projects were particularly challenging for me; previously as an artist, a creative process was something you tackle alone. These projects taught me to work with others, in a kind and respectful way. Needless to say; working together with others kept my ego in check. I remembered my lecturer, who was working in the industry said a something that’s printed to my brain until this day:

“ … You can be as skillful as you can be, but when people remember you as a terrible person to work with; It will trump your reputation as the “skillful one”. Our craft is a collaborative process, skills can be improved, lessons can be learned, but ultimately, attitude towards others is a reflection towards others that reflects your work and who you are.”

        When I entered the industry, those words never rang more true.

        Although UPH taught me some skills that contributed towards my career, I think it cultivated my spirit of learning more than anything else. It’s a wake-up call that learning is a lifelong process and every day is an opportunity to learn something new. Labeling myself to be just an “artist” or “designer” was something I try to avoid. I try to dabble and learn in other disciplines beyond what was thought to me.

DKV UPH was an environment where creativity and methodical approach of design was taught. My lecturers taught me not only hard skills but soft skills such as critical thinking; an immensely crucial step that’s often skipped. I think the most important thing to take away from all of this is that my experience in DKV cultivated my hunger for learning and being a person that people would love to work together with.


From October 31 to November 1, 2023, VCD UPH (Visual Communication Design, Universitas Pelita Harapan) participated in the International Moving Image Cultures Conference (IMOVICCON) 2023 at Multimedia Nusantara University. This event is a scholarly conference that also showcases various moving image works. Over these two days, besides being a partner in organizing the event, VCD UPH had faculty members and students presenting their research findings or designs in panels attended by participants from various institutions and countries. We would like to express our gratitude to the Film Program at Multimedia University for their exceptional collaboration. Hopefully, we can engage in more exciting collaborations in the future.

VCD UPH Lecturers at IMOVICCON 2023 Day One
VCD UPH Lecturers and Students after the Closing of IMOVICCON 2023 Day Two

UPH Collaborates with Singapore Polytechnic to Bring Innovation to Villages

From YPPH Communications Office

In September, Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) hosted students from Singapore Polytechnic to partner with UPH students in applying design thinking to find innovative solutions to address some lingering problems faced by villages and informal urban settlements in Jakarta. This initiative was executed under LeX, a program initiated by the Singapore Polytechnic International (SPI) and supported by the Asia-Ready Exposure Program (AEP) ― a youth development program by the National Youth Council (NYC) Singapore. 

The program saw 30 students and three lecturers from SPI teaming up with 30 students and 13 lecturers from UPH School of Design (SoD) and Faculty of Science and Technology (FAST) to conduct social innovation design in Sukapura RW10 subdistrict, a poor riverbank community in North Jakarta, and Ciakar village in Tangerang regency on September 18-27, 2023. 

With the support of the local communities, they devised innovative programs such as riverbank community development and clean river initiatives, tempeh-making workshop, outdoor sportswear and equipment sewing, village school, making natural detergent from fruit peels, and oyster mushroom and worm farming. 

On the last day, the students held an exhibition in the form of a gallery walk to gather feedback from the UPH academic community, government officials, and the residents in the two locales. The solutions presented will have a positive impact on the local communities, and in the process, participating students were inspired to employ the knowledge and skills they learned at university to make a big difference in the world around them. 

Alumni: Daniel Sean

Daniel Sean. Photo provided by Daniel Sean

My time at Universitas Pelita Harapan was truly enriching, providing me with the opportunity to explore aspects of art that were previously unfamiliar to me. The university offered well-structured curricula and state-of-the-art facilities, which allowed students like me to maximize and refine our skills. Moreover, I had the pleasure of interacting with friendly and highly talented lecturers and friends who provided invaluable guidance throughout various assignments, employing diverse teaching methods. Sharing our unique drawing styles and creative work with one another was both enjoyable and beneficial.

One aspect of my education that significantly enhanced my journey as a concept artist and illustrator was the study of basic design principles. Our dedicated lecturers taught us how shapes and colors can determine the composition of art, creating different volumes, depths, perspectives, and points of view that interact to produce intriguing effects and elicit responses from viewers. They offered practical examples and techniques to infuse our artwork with stories and emotions, making it more captivating.

Upon graduating, I embarked on a fulfilling career as a concept artist, relishing the role it played in the animation pipeline. Managing the pre-production phase and the flexibility it offered, such as brainstorming character ideas, was particularly enjoyable. Simultaneously, I didn’t want to abandon my passion for illustration. Initially, it began as a side project, but it soon evolved into accepting commissions for video game characters, especially those from popular games like World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV, Dungeons and Dragons, and many others. I take great pride in these commissions, especially as an avid MMORPG player myself. The characters I create become a part of me, and in some cases, they embody aspects of my own identity. Crafting art that allows people to represent themselves, whether in fiction or reality, is a tremendous honor.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend Universitas Pelita Harapan as a place that nurtures and empowers students to expand their knowledge and skills. My time here was an unforgettable experience, and I am grateful for the opportunity. Thank you for having me.

“See” October 2023

Our Newsletter for October 2023 has been published.

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Alumni: Gilbert March

Photo of Gilbert March. Photo Provided by Gilbert March

Gilbert March, class of 2013 in Visual Communication Design with a specialization in Cinematography, works as a Director for Music Videos and Advertisements.

My experience at UPH’s Visual Communication Design (Dkv UPH) has given me an unforgettable journey. The guidance, professors, mentors, and other staff members were incredibly helpful in helping me understand the importance of relationships and communication. Not only that, but a comfortable environment plays a significant role in allowing us to focus on our work. The excellent facilities enabled us to practice and create, and equally important, the friendships that supported, assisted, and taught me how to collaborate in completing tasks.

Many things left an impression because all the Cinematography courses heavily relied on teamwork. We were highly encouraged to tolerate and respect each other’s opinions. This made our work not just a personal endeavor but a collective creation.

Learning at UPH has been immensely beneficial to my career in the industry because it has enabled me to provide solutions to problems, particularly in film production. It has honed my ability to think creatively and swiftly, allowing me to seamlessly incorporate idealistic elements into video presentations.

I recommend this program to those who want to develop their talents and find their identity. Everything taught here has a significant impact on those who want to enter the workforce. It’s not just about readiness for work; it will also refine your identity. Thank you to UPH for educating and honing me to this point.

UPH VCD Goes to Sekolah Lentera Harapan Curug

On Saturday, September 23, 2023, UPH VCD (Visual Communication Design) visited Lentera Harapan Curug School to hold an academic showcase for the students. In addition to the academic showcase, one of the UPH VCD lecturers, Naldo Yanuar Heryanto, S.Sn., M.T., conducted a character design workshop for students who are interested in the field of visual communication design. The presence of UPH VCD at Lentera Harapan Curug School was warmly welcomed and met with enthusiasm by the students. Thank you for having us at Lentera Harapan Curug School, and we look forward to meeting again on another occasion.

Naldo Yanuar Heryanto, S.Sn., M.T. giving a workshop on character design