Typolog 2024 Workshop

On Saturday, June 15, 2024, the Graphic Design concentration of VCD UPH held Typolog 2024. This event is part of a series of activities organized at Carstenz Mall, Gading Serpong, as part of Typolog 2024.

The workshop at Typolog 2024 focused on calligraphy and was led by VCD UPH alumnus Nikko Purnama Lukman. Nikko has previously conducted several sessions in Typolog’s webinars and online workshops in past years.

Nikko Purnama Lukman at Typolog 2024

The calligraphy workshop was well received by both the organizers and the participants. Nikko’s relaxed approach to teaching calligraphy provided an insightful introduction to the basics and the enjoyment of calligraphy as a visualization technique useful for designers.

Nikko and the Participants of the Workshop

Thank you, Nikko, for sharing your time and expertise at Typolog 2024.

Gallery Walk Final Project

On Monday, June 3, 2024, the Visual Communication Design (VCD) department at Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) held a Gallery Walk at the Pelita Gallery for final project students from the even semester of the 2023/2024 academic year. The event was inaugurated by the Dean of the Faculty of Design and the Head of the VCD department.

During the event, several final project students from each concentration within VCD UPH presented their works to first-year students, aiming to familiarize them with the various concentrations available. This activity was designed to give first-year students a concrete understanding of what they will experience in their chosen concentrations and to foster connections among VCD UPH students across different year groups.

Cinematography Students Presenting Di Balik Mata Final Project
Fay Arietta Yapputri, from the Illustration Concentration, Presenting at the Gallery Walk
Participants of the Final Project Gallery Walk

See June 2024

This May marks the transition period between the even semester and the summer semester at Universitas Pelita Harapan.

During this transition, several activities take place, such as the final examinations for students who participated in the final project in the even semester of 2023/2024, the graduation ceremony for students who completed their studies in the odd semester of 2023/2024, and several other activities.

On this occasion, we would also like to inform you about Elisabeth Katie Soleman’s final project (class of 2019), which has been selected for the Bali International Film Festival (BIFF) 2024. Her work will be screened at the festival from June 1-7, 2024.

We hope that during this transition period, there will still be many positive things to learn.

Alumni: Juventia Kalonica

Juventia Kalonica

My full name is Juventia Kalonica, but most people call me Juju. Recently, I’ve added a new name for myself—Jun. So whether it’s Juju or Jun, feel free to call me either! I started as an Animation student back in 2017, but as time passed, I found myself gravitating towards illustration.

Deciding to pursue illustration wasn’t without its doubts. I often questioned my choice, wondering if I regretted not sticking with animation after investing time and money into it. But truth be told, I don’t regret my time in animation at all. I’m grateful for the experiences and lessons it brought me. However, as life unfolded, especially after dealing with the challenges of COVID, I realized that my true passion lies in illustration. Nevertheless, my love for animation remains, and if given the chance, I’d dive back into learning it again!

Besides honing my skills, what truly enriched my journey were the friendships I made along the way. Back when my skills were far from where they are now, my friends provided endless support and guidance.

The early years were tough. I was clueless about design, and the assignments seemed impossibly difficult. There were tears, sleepless nights, and moments of self-doubt, especially when I saw my grades. But God and my friends were my rock. Their unwavering support reignited my passion for art. The animation classes were a blast too, thanks to our kind and patient lecturer, Pak Naldo, who made the learning process enjoyable.

One class that stands out the most is concept art. Creating characters based on random themes challenged me in ways I never imagined. Laughing at my own lackluster drawings, I realized how much I had to learn. But Pak Naldo and my friends never judged me; instead, they helped me improve. It was a truly enjoyable experience, one I’d gladly relive if given the chance.

The skills I acquired have proven invaluable in my current role as an illustrator at Giftinside. Every illustration demands meticulous attention to detail, a skill I learned through countless hours of practice. Understanding proportions and human anatomy has also been crucial.

I wholeheartedly recommend UPH to anyone interested in animation. Their diverse range of classes and openness to different styles—whether it’s Western cartoons or anime—make it an ideal learning environment.

Wishing everyone the best of luck!

Graduation Ceremony Even Semester 2023/2024

On Thursday & Friday, May 16-17, 2024, Universitas Pelita Harapan has just held a graduation ceremony for all students who completed their studies in the odd semester of the academic year 2023/2024. VCD UPH is one of the study programs with graduates in this even semester session.

2023/2024 Even Semester VCD UPH Graduates

Congratulations to the graduates. May you always continue to create and be a blessing wherever you are.

Mother? from Elisabeth Katie Soleman at BIFF 2024

We are proud to announce that Elisabeth Katie Soleman’s Final Project, “Ibu?” or “Mother?” has been selected for Bali International Film Festival 2024 (BIFF 2024). Elisabeth was our alumni from the 2019 cohort, and had just finished her studies in 2023. Congratulations Elisabeth for the selection, and we look forward for more great news from you.

To see Elisabeth’s work at BIFF 2024, click here.

Alumni: Adrian Owen

Adrian Owen
Adrian Owen

Hi, my name is Adrian Owen! I’m an alumnus of DKV UPH, graduating in 2021 and serving as the president of HMDKV in 2019-2020. During my final year at university, I began working at Jendela.Co, founded by our older alumnus, Raymond Ahari. Then, at the end of 2021, I started my own production company, “Homolog,” as a director and videographer, alongside my fellow alumni: Ferra Fergiani (president of HMDKV 2017-2018), Jeffry Imanuel (president of HMDKV 2016-2017), Kevin Imanuel, and Josephine Olivia (my mentor).

My four years at DKV UPH truly shaped me as both an artist and a person. Initially, cinematography wasn’t my first choice, but friends helped me realize its compatibility with my photography background, leading to immense personal and professional growth. I owe much of my success and gratitude to the friends I made during my studies.

My favorite subject was “Sejarah & Peradaban,” taught by Pak Ernest, Pak Alfian, and Pak Ferdinand. Understanding various art movements and eras has been invaluable in my career, allowing me to lead and direct others effectively. Personally, it has fostered a more civilized and open-minded perspective, delving into the philosophies of great minds.

While “Sejarah & Peradaban” significantly influenced my professional path, all the classes I took have contributed to my development as a videographer and director. “Studio Dasar” enhanced my understanding of composition, “Studio Utama” aided in project production, “Studio Pendukung” prepared me for pre-production, and even drawing class with Pak Donny improved my skills in color composition and storyboarding.

In the words of Steve Jobs, “Stay hungry, Stay foolish,” encapsulates the mindset of continuous learning post-graduation. University prepares us for the future but doesn’t make us experts. I, too, acknowledge that I still have much to learn.

See May 2024

Happy Eid al-Fitr to friends who celebrate it. April is a month that may be more relaxed compared to previous months.

Besides being a holiday, the focus this month has shifted towards preparing for the Final Semester Exams, which will begin on April 29, 2024, until May 6, 2024. In addition to the Final Semester Exams, at the beginning of April, there is also a visual presentation for students who are working on their final projects.

The completion of one semester signifies the beginning of a new semester. Hopefully, this semester can be completed well, and the next semester can be even more interesting and better for everyone.

Alumni: Marcia Fortuna

Marcia Fortuna, VCD UPH 2018
Marcia Fortuna

Hey there! I’m Marcia Fortuna, but my friends call me Cia. I graduated in 2018 with a degree in Visual Communication Design, with a concentration in Cinematography from UPH.

Currently, I work as an illustrator specializing in visual development (also known as concept art), and I also attend conventions where I showcase and sell my artworks. Prior to university, I had zero artistic knowledge or skill, so the first few semesters at UPH were challenging. However, both the teachers and friends were very supportive. I was able to overcome these hurdles and gradually acquire valuable artistic knowledge and skills.

Particularly in my cinematography classes, I found myself drawn to the pre-production stage of movie creation, especially worldbuilding and storyboarding. This fascination eventually led me to further explore my interest in illustration. After graduating in 2022, I started making art prints of my artwork and joining art booth events under my brand name CallmeCia. The response was incredibly positive, and by 2024, I expanded internationally, participating in conventions in Singapore.

My most memorable class at UPH, though I can’t recall its specific name, was during my cinematography concentration. One assignment that stood out was when we were tasked with individually creating and presenting short stories to the class. Our teacher, who was incredibly open, listened attentively to each story and provided genuine feedback to every student. This particular assignment became my favorite because it allowed our creativity to run wild while also emphasizing the importance of purpose behind our creative decisions.

Choosing UPH for your degree is a fantastic decision. The campus is filled with supportive peers and teachers who genuinely care about your success. Personally, my time at UPH has been invaluable for my career growth.

“Shoot for the moon, and even if you miss you’ll land among the stars”