Gallery Walk Final Project

On Monday, June 3, 2024, the Visual Communication Design (VCD) department at Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) held a Gallery Walk at the Pelita Gallery for final project students from the even semester of the 2023/2024 academic year. The event was inaugurated by the Dean of the Faculty of Design and the Head of the VCD department.

During the event, several final project students from each concentration within VCD UPH presented their works to first-year students, aiming to familiarize them with the various concentrations available. This activity was designed to give first-year students a concrete understanding of what they will experience in their chosen concentrations and to foster connections among VCD UPH students across different year groups.

Cinematography Students Presenting Di Balik Mata Final Project
Fay Arietta Yapputri, from the Illustration Concentration, Presenting at the Gallery Walk
Participants of the Final Project Gallery Walk

Alumni: Juventia Kalonica

Juventia Kalonica

My full name is Juventia Kalonica, but most people call me Juju. Recently, I’ve added a new name for myself—Jun. So whether it’s Juju or Jun, feel free to call me either! I started as an Animation student back in 2017, but as time passed, I found myself gravitating towards illustration.

Deciding to pursue illustration wasn’t without its doubts. I often questioned my choice, wondering if I regretted not sticking with animation after investing time and money into it. But truth be told, I don’t regret my time in animation at all. I’m grateful for the experiences and lessons it brought me. However, as life unfolded, especially after dealing with the challenges of COVID, I realized that my true passion lies in illustration. Nevertheless, my love for animation remains, and if given the chance, I’d dive back into learning it again!

Besides honing my skills, what truly enriched my journey were the friendships I made along the way. Back when my skills were far from where they are now, my friends provided endless support and guidance.

The early years were tough. I was clueless about design, and the assignments seemed impossibly difficult. There were tears, sleepless nights, and moments of self-doubt, especially when I saw my grades. But God and my friends were my rock. Their unwavering support reignited my passion for art. The animation classes were a blast too, thanks to our kind and patient lecturer, Pak Naldo, who made the learning process enjoyable.

One class that stands out the most is concept art. Creating characters based on random themes challenged me in ways I never imagined. Laughing at my own lackluster drawings, I realized how much I had to learn. But Pak Naldo and my friends never judged me; instead, they helped me improve. It was a truly enjoyable experience, one I’d gladly relive if given the chance.

The skills I acquired have proven invaluable in my current role as an illustrator at Giftinside. Every illustration demands meticulous attention to detail, a skill I learned through countless hours of practice. Understanding proportions and human anatomy has also been crucial.

I wholeheartedly recommend UPH to anyone interested in animation. Their diverse range of classes and openness to different styles—whether it’s Western cartoons or anime—make it an ideal learning environment.

Wishing everyone the best of luck!

Mother? from Elisabeth Katie Soleman at BIFF 2024

We are proud to announce that Elisabeth Katie Soleman’s Final Project, “Ibu?” or “Mother?” has been selected for Bali International Film Festival 2024 (BIFF 2024). Elisabeth was our alumni from the 2019 cohort, and had just finished her studies in 2023. Congratulations Elisabeth for the selection, and we look forward for more great news from you.

To see Elisabeth’s work at BIFF 2024, click here.

Alumni Sharing: Putu & Jonathan

On March 28, 2024, a alumni sharing event was held by Putu Widyayana Putra & Jonathan Alexander. Both of them are alumni of VCD UPH with a specialization in animation in 2015. On this occasion, they shared their experiences working in the video game industry in Indonesia with the Film Management (Animation) class. Thank you, Putu and Jonathan, for taking the time to share your experiences with VCD UPH once again.

Putu Widyayana Putra & Jonathan Alexander in the Film Management Class
Putu Widyayana Putra & Jonathan Alexander in the Film Management Class

Visit Putu & Jonathan’s Instagram Page.

UFF 2024: “Urbanity”

On Saturday, March 23, 2024, the UPH Film Festival 2024 was held at XXI Aeon Mall BSD. The event proceeded smoothly and joyfully, with students, alumni, and invited guests filling the XXI studio throughout the afternoon until evening. The event commenced with welcoming videos from the Dean of the UPH Faculty of Design and the Chair of the Visual Communication Design Program at UPH. Following this, the event continued with a talk show featuring speakers Wregas Bhanuteja and Inarah Syarafina, who shared their experiences and perspectives on the current film industry.

From Left to Right: Inarah Syarafina, Wregas Bhanuteja, and Dr. Lala Palupi Santyaputri, S.Sn., M.Si.
From Left to Right: Inarah Syarafina, Wregas Bhanuteja, and Dr. Lala Palupi Santyaputri, S.Sn., M.Si.

After discussions with the speakers and a Q&A session with the audience, the UFF event proceeded with the presentation of appreciation to the speakers by the Chair of the UPH Film Festival 2024 and the Chair of the Visual Communication Design Program at UPH. Subsequently, works by alumni and students from VCD UPH were showcased, including those in cinematography, animation, and graphic design.

Appreciation to UFF 2024 Speakers
Appreciation to UFF 2024 Speakers

VCD UPH and the entire UPH Film Festival 2024 committee extend their gratitude to the speakers, sponsors, and media partners for their support in this edition of the UPH Film Festival 2024. It is hoped that UPH Film Festival 2024 can become a new monument in visual communication design education, especially within VCD UPH.

The UFF 2024 Committee in XXI Aeon Mall BSD City
The UFF 2024 Committee in XXI Aeon Mall BSD City

See you at UFF 2025 and other events organized by VCD UPH. For more about UFF, visit UFF’s Instagram page.

Photo Credits: Hizkia Kustiawan & Louis Alexander Setiabudi

Alumni: Agatha Samuella Kristijanto

Agatha Samuella Kristijanto

Hello readers! I am graduating from Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), class of 2019, with a major in visual communication design and a specialization in animation. My name is Agatha Samuella Kristijanto, and it is lovely to meet you!

My journey at UPHwas a special one. It was not only about learning about art and design but also about learning more about myself. Many unexpected things happened. Sometimes challenging, sometimes exhausting, tearful, but there was also a lot of joy and things to be grateful for.

I experienced campus life for only one and a half years because of COVID restrictions, and we had to change the learning method to online classes. I was flying back to my hometown at that time.

I would say my first year at the university was tough. I had to adjust in many areas: campus life, friendships, and my private life. There were many new things I had to learn quickly. But I am very thankful because of the help of the lecturers and seniors; I managed to survive well. The design world has countless genres, techniques, types, and styles. I learned that each of us has time to find our style. Some already have, some haven’t, which includes me, and there’s nothing wrong with that. I can learn many new things, and I enjoyed most of the lessons, such as learning motion graphics, creating characters, painting, and many more. But if I may choose, my favorite lesson is 3D modeling.

3D modeling is a new thing I learned. I never imagined I could know 3D, and I didn’t expect I’d like it. The lecturer taught us about applications like Maya, ZBrush, and Substance Painter. In Maya, we learned how to create good topology, neat models, etc. In ZBrush, we could sculpt our models from Maya to add more detail or create a model from scratch. After the model is finished, Substance Painter helps us provide texture and color to produce a complete model.

We also learned how the animation industry works, from pre-production to post-production. It was a fun class. The lecturer was passionate about his job as a modeler, dedicated, and full of effort, so I could ask many questions and learn a lot. I am highly impressed with this class. Overall, I was satisfied with everything I experienced at this university. I’ll take it as an experience to grow even more through every thick and thin I’ve been through. And as a path that leads me to the next journey.

I will surely recommend DKV UPH to my friends, relatives, and everyone I know so they can learn in a fun and good environment as I did.

Check out Agatha’s Final Project here.

Alumni Sharing: Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah

Thursday, March 14, 2024, alumni of Visual Communication Design (DKV) at UPH from the class of 2017, Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah, shared his experience working in an animation studio. Ronaldo, commonly known as Ronnie, shared insights into the animation industry and the management of the animation studio where he works, Pixel Zoo. During the session, Ronaldo also encouraged and recounted his journey in preparing himself to work in foreign companies.

Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah Sharing About Animation Pipeline
Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah Sharing About Animation Pipeline
Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah With the Film Management Class
Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah With the Film Management Class

Thank you, Ronnie, for your enthusiasm in sharing your story with us. You can visit Ronnie’s Instagram page here.

Alumni Sharing: Jane Budiman

Jane Budiman sharing in the Film Management class

Thursday, March 7, 2024, the Film Management class for Animation at VCD UPH had alumni returning to share their experiences. This time, Jane Budiman, an alumna from the 2016 cohort, shared about her experiences working in the production team for the Neuron YouTube channel. She works as a storyboard artist and animator for Neuron. Additionally, she is also entrusted to assist in managing the production processes of Neuron’s projects. Thank you to Jane for her time and knowledge shared in the Film Management class.

Jane Budiman and the Film Management for Animation Class

Follow Jane on her Instagram page.

Alumni Sharing: Daniel Purnama

Daniel Purnama, an alumnus of the Animation concentration class of 2013, shared his experience as a freelance concept artist and illustrator. During the online meeting, Daniel discussed how he manages projects with clients as an animation graduate in the ‘Film Management’ course for the Animation concentration.

Daniel Purnama on Film Management Class

Daniel shared about what freelance work entails, as well as the pros and cons of working as a freelancer. He elaborated on his working process, including how he manages and communicates with his clients. He also shared how he works and manages his day-to-day activities as a freelance illustrator. Daniel highlighted the importance of using references to ensure clear communication with clients and also emphasized the importance of expanding one’s skills by adapting to various styles and genres.

Daniel Sharing with the Class of the Pros & Cons of Freelance Work
Daniel and the Participants of the Online Session

We extend our thanks to Daniel for taking the time to share his insights with VCD UPH. You can check Daniel Purnama at his Instagram account.