Learning Express March 2024

For approximately two weeks, Singapore Polytechnic visited Universitas Pelita Harapan to conduct the Learning Express (LEX). LEX is a design thinking module conducted by Singapore Polytechnic with its university partners. This time, Universitas Pelita Harapan became the only LEX partner in Indonesia. In this LEX activity, three faculties from UPH participated: the Faculty of Design, the Faculty of Tourism, and the Faculty of Science and Technology.

Expert Sharing Session
Expert Sharing Session
Before Empathy Study
Before Empathy Study

In the March 2024 LEX, there were three projects that is collaboratively handled by UPH students and students from Singapore Polytechnic. The first project involved Sekolah Darussalam in Tangerang, Kebun Kandang Educational Eco Tourism, and Sustainable Dodol Making with Dodol Pak Oyot.

Learning Express Empathy Study
Empathy Study
Learning Express Empathy Study
Empathy Study
Empathy Study
Empathy Study

In these three projects, the LEX team conducted data collection and idea development, which were then presented back to stakeholders. The final outcome of this LEX was a gallery walk, where each issue and idea were presented to the public to receive feedback and input.

Preparation for Co-Creation
Preparation for Co-Creation
Preparation for Learning Express Gallery Walk
Preparation for Learning Express Gallery Walk
Learning Express Gallery Walk
Learning Express Gallery Walk

Upon completion of this LEX activity, UPH is committed to continuing to develop these three projects according to the capacity and potential that may be achieved. Hopefully, through this LEX activity, students can learn and gain valuable experience implementing their learning in real-life situations.

Co-Creation at SMK Darussalam
Co-Creation at SMK Darussalam
Co-Creation at Kebun Kandang
Co-Creation at Kebun Kandang
Co-Creation at Dodol Pak Oyot
Co-Creation at Dodol Pak Oyot

Thank you Singapore Polytechnic for this wonderful opportunity and collaboration in Learning Express March 2024. We look forward for our next collaboration.

Photo at the Learning Express Gallery Walk
Photo at the Learning Express Gallery Walk

Read about the LEX March 2024 Opening

UFF 2024: “Urbanity”

On Saturday, March 23, 2024, the UPH Film Festival 2024 was held at XXI Aeon Mall BSD. The event proceeded smoothly and joyfully, with students, alumni, and invited guests filling the XXI studio throughout the afternoon until evening. The event commenced with welcoming videos from the Dean of the UPH Faculty of Design and the Chair of the Visual Communication Design Program at UPH. Following this, the event continued with a talk show featuring speakers Wregas Bhanuteja and Inarah Syarafina, who shared their experiences and perspectives on the current film industry.

From Left to Right: Inarah Syarafina, Wregas Bhanuteja, and Dr. Lala Palupi Santyaputri, S.Sn., M.Si.
From Left to Right: Inarah Syarafina, Wregas Bhanuteja, and Dr. Lala Palupi Santyaputri, S.Sn., M.Si.

After discussions with the speakers and a Q&A session with the audience, the UFF event proceeded with the presentation of appreciation to the speakers by the Chair of the UPH Film Festival 2024 and the Chair of the Visual Communication Design Program at UPH. Subsequently, works by alumni and students from VCD UPH were showcased, including those in cinematography, animation, and graphic design.

Appreciation to UFF 2024 Speakers
Appreciation to UFF 2024 Speakers

VCD UPH and the entire UPH Film Festival 2024 committee extend their gratitude to the speakers, sponsors, and media partners for their support in this edition of the UPH Film Festival 2024. It is hoped that UPH Film Festival 2024 can become a new monument in visual communication design education, especially within VCD UPH.

The UFF 2024 Committee in XXI Aeon Mall BSD City
The UFF 2024 Committee in XXI Aeon Mall BSD City

See you at UFF 2025 and other events organized by VCD UPH. For more about UFF, visit UFF’s Instagram page.

Photo Credits: Hizkia Kustiawan & Louis Alexander Setiabudi

VCD UPH at Tata Rupa 2024

On Friday, February 23, 2024, 15 students from VCD UPH attended Tata Rupa 2024. Tata Rupa 2024 is a program supported by the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. The program aims to assist SMEs by facilitating new designs to enhance their businesses. That afternoon, VCD UPH students were given the opportunity to meet and discuss with the SMEs to discover their needs regarding their businesses. We are thankful to Tata Rupa 2024 for the opportunity and invitation to collaborate.