Reynold Adinegara

Photo of Reynold Adinegara

My name is Reynold Adinegara, DKV UPH class of 2006, graduated in 2010. During my time, there were no specific concentrations in the department, but personally, I delved into the field of video and photography. After graduating until 2018, I pursued a career as a photographer and videographer, eventually leading me to establish a production house where I served as the CEO and Director. I switched careers in late 2018, and currently, I am an artist in ceramics under my own brand, Adinegara Ceramic. As a ceramic artist, I focus more on artistic achievement and self-understanding, supported by my previous experiences to enhance branding and business management.

The study experience at DKV UPH can be considered one of the best moments in my life. So many experiences, fundamental knowledge, and connections were formed, paving the way for my career.

The most memorable course, it seems, was photography because at that time, I was deeply involved in photo/video, and also during those early years when PHPC was established, making UPH photo/video significant. The second DKV course is crucial as it shaped my way of thinking not only in work but also in life.

Would I recommend others to VCD UPH? Absolutely 🙂 My nephew has entered UPH based on my recommendation.

Environmental Graphic Design Simulation Project with Scientia Square Park

VCD UPH with the Management of Scientia Square Park

On Tuesday, December 19, 2023, students from the Visual Communication Design (VCD) program at UPH visited Scientia Square Park to present their analysis and proposals regarding environmental graphic design at Scientia Square Park. This project is part of the final examination for the course “Graphic Design in Space,” held in the Odd Semester of 2023/2024. Through this project, which involves industry stakeholders, VCD UPH aims to provide students with real-world experience to enhance their learning.

VCD UPH Students Presenting Their Studies and Designs to the Management of Scientia Square Park

Even 2023/2024 Semester Coordination Meeting

On Monday, December 18, 2023, the VCD UPH faculty team held a coordination meeting to prepare for the second semester of the academic year 2023/2024. The meeting was attended by both permanent and non-permanent faculty members to ensure the smooth progress of all courses.

The meeting began with coordination at the program level, followed by faculty members collaborating with course teams to discuss the details and technical aspects of the upcoming semester. Hopefully, the courses in the second semester of 2023/2024 will proceed smoothly.

Thank you for all the lecturers for the passion to teach at VCD UPH. We hope that all the hard work that we do can be felt by the students as they grow and learn throughout the years.

Special thanks to Pak Budi for the great pictures.

Jeff Daniel Riyanto

Photo of Jeff Daniel

My name is Jeff Daniel Riyanto. I graduated from Visual Communication Design (DKV) at UPH with a concentration in Graphic Design, belonging to the batch of 2018-2022. Currently, I own a creative design studio that predominantly focuses on social media design. We manage brands and designs related to the food and beverage industry and have expanded into fashion and lifestyle as well.

My experience studying DKV was both exciting and challenging. Meeting new friends with diverse backgrounds and interests in design was a highlight. Among the courses I took at UPH, especially in the Graphic Design department, the most impactful was the main studio course. There, I learned design principles that have proven to be incredibly useful in my professional endeavors.

The rapid development of Industry 5.0 has significantly influenced the creative workforce. During my time at UPH, the learning process evolved to keep pace with the times, providing an added advantage for us as students. I highly recommend UPH because, in my opinion, it offers an environment where you can develop exceptionally well, and the faculty is very supportive of its students. For instance, my classmates and I were required to participate in a typeface design competition, which resulted in us winning second place on an international scale.

Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.

Dale Carnegie


On Tuesday, December 12, 2023, VCD UPH (Visual Communication Design at Universitas Pelita Harapan) opened the exhibition “ADHIKARI,” showcasing works created by the students of VCD UPH in 2023 who had recently participated in a study tour to Yogyakarta from November 23 to 27, 2023. The exhibition features various artworks, including drawings, photographs, batik fabric, masks, and clay, produced by these students during their time in Yogyakarta.

Meet our Alumni: Nafis Adhikari

Photo of Nafis Adhikari

Senior Designer for CONDE NAST JAPAN( Wired Japan, GQ Japan, Vogue Japan )

Head of Creative / Partner for Open Quarter Tailor

In the earlier years of my academic journey, the field of Design and Visual Communication (DKV) was characterized by a more holistic approach, predating the nuanced subcategories that exist today, such as cinematography and animation. Back then, DKV encompassed a comprehensive spectrum, requiring us to delve into every facet from A to Z.

Despite initially perceiving this broad approach as a challenge, it ultimately became my forte. Acquiring knowledge across the entirety of the discipline, akin to comprehending every graph in a pizza-graph, proved to be an invaluable asset.

Following graduation, I dedicated two years to a small design studio in Jakarta, named Table 6. During my tenure, I collaborated with clients from diverse sectors, including fashion, law, F&B, art exhibitions, etc. This multifaceted experience was a cherished chapter in my professional journey. Subsequently, I resigned from the position, driven by the ambition to establish a prominent presence in Japan—an aspiration I had harbored for years. A year of Japanese language study paved the way for a subsequent year working with a Japanese design studio, culminating in my current role as a Senior Designer/Art Director at Conde Nast Japan. Beyond my responsibilities at Conde Nast, I co-own a small design studio with my wife and a business partner. Additionally, I am a co-owner and head of creative at the Indonesian tailoring brand “Open Quarter Tailor.”

Reflecting on my university years at UPH, I hold fond memories of both enduring friendships and the privilege of learning from some of the industry’s brightest minds. UPH instilled in us the importance of critical thinking, transcending mere technical proficiency. This emphasis on critical thinking emerged as a cornerstone of our industry strength. While every subject at UPH was enjoyable, I particularly relished the “DKV Subject,” where we undertook the rebranding of selected companies—a task that resonated with my specialization in branding.

The knowledge and skills cultivated during my time at UPH have significantly contributed not only to my professional journey but also to my personal development. I unequivocally recommend UPH to prospective students, as my experience there was truly transformative and life-changing.

“See” December 2023

Our Newsletter for December 2023 has been published.

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Raymond Ahari

Photo of Raymond Ahari.

My name is Raymond Ahari, and I’m an alumnus of DKV UPH, class of 2010. After graduating in 2014, I started a Production House business named “Jendela” along with some of my friends.

My four years at DKV UPH were undoubtedly a pleasant experience. The comfortable campus environment and complete facilities helped me study better, not to mention the competent lecturers and wonderful friends whom I got to know and learn from. Many things I know and implement in my work today, I picked up from my time at DKV UPH.

Although every class equipped me with different things that helped me become who I am today, I would say that the Videography class particularly left a mark on me. I didn’t initially plan to take the class, but I had a close relationship with the lecturer, and he told me about a great project that I could work on if I took his Videography class—and yes, of course, I ended up taking it!

One of the most important things that I learned from my days at DKV UPH is the significance of good teamwork. Choosing the right teammates will highly affect your results; it will help you finish the assignment right on time, with excellent quality.

As an alumnus, I recommend DKV UPH to those who are looking for a good place to learn and pursue their degree. I am always grateful for the opportunity to study at such a fine campus and faculty.

Kezia Rachel

Photo of Kezia Rachel

Hello! I’m Kezia Rachel, from the DKV UPH class of 2017. My concentration was in animation, which is also what I’m currently pursuing in my career. Specifically, I am working on 3D animation.

I had such a fun time at DKV UPH. The lecturers pushed me to do my best, and I am forever grateful for it. They not only acted as our teachers but also as friends, which made it a comfortable environment to study and learn. There were also a lot of activities outside of our studies. I remember going on trips for our photography and drawing classes, and there were events specifically for us students to bond and get to know each other better. I feel like it is very important to learn outside of classes, where we learn to get to know people, which will help us a lot in the industry.

I forgot specifically which class it was, but I’m pretty sure it was one of the Main Studio classes. The first time I tried out 3D animation using Maya was definitely the most memorable one. I was very passionate about animating, thus my excitement when we finally had the chance to animate in 3D. We were also given the chance to model and rig, which was a very new experience for me.

The lecturers and mentors taught me so many things, not only about art but also about the industry. It’s important to learn the basic fundamentals of art and design, but we shouldn’t forget that learning isn’t going to be enough in the industry. I was always reminded in my animation class that once we get into the industry, we are not alone. Whether we like it or not, we are always working with other people to achieve something. Of course, all the technical studies, like the basic fundamentals of animation, helped me a lot in the industry. But I realized the importance of learning about group work, accepting feedback, and criticism, which proved to be even more helpful.

I would recommend DKV UPH to a lot of people! It was such an exciting time, with great facilities, great lecturers/mentors, and all the things we learned were very insightful.

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

-Walt Disney


From November 15-17, 2023, VCD UPH recently held the Visual Communication Design Student Conference (KOMA DKV) 2023. The event was conducted in a hybrid format, with the first two days held online and the third day in a hybrid manner. The conference received support from Universitas Budi Luhur, Universitas Trisakti, Universitas Mercu Buana, and Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

On the first day, there were keynote sessions by Salima Hakim, S.Sn., M.Hum (Universitas Multimedia Nusantara), Ahmad Thaba, S.I.Kom., M.Ds. (Universitas Budi Luhur), and Dr. Lala Palupi Santyaputri, S.Sn., M.Si. (Universitas Pelita Harapan). They delivered engaging presentations for visual communication design students from various educational institutions attending online.

Keynote by Salima Hakim
Keynote by Ahmad Thaba
Keynote by Lala Palupi Santyaputri

The second day featured parallel sessions where various visual communication design students presented their research and design outcomes in panels moderated by professors from various universities.

The third day included a work review session with reviewers Katarina Monika and Jason Iskandar. They selected works deemed commendable and interesting for discussion during the review session. The KOMA DKV 2023 event concluded with appreciation for the best participants in the conference.

Katarina Monika Reviewing Ryan Fazriqy’s Work

Jason Iskandar Reviewing Elisabeth Katie Solaiman’s Work

Best Presenter

  1. Sherly Thresia (Universitas Bunda Mulia)
  2. Carren Miquella Chen (Universitas Pelita Harapan)

Best Paper

  1. Peran Sosial Iklan Layanan Masyarakat Bersama Hapus Kekerasan Seksual Edisi “Jangan Menyalahkan Korban” – Dewinta Putri Nugraha, Elda Franzia Jasjfi (Universitas Trisakti)
  2. Analisis Penggunaan Ilustrasi Editorial dalam Digital Media Outlet – Kaysha Bernadette Soelistyo (Universitas Pelita Harapan)

Best Artworks

  1. Ryan Faziqry (Universitas Mercu Buana)
  2. Vanessa Leoni (Universitas Pelita Harapan)
  3. Elisabeth Katie Solaiman (Universitas Pelita Harapan)
  4. Ryo Bryan Lienardy (Universitas Bunda Mulia)

Photo of Everyone at KOMA DKV 2023 Closing

We express our gratitude to all the university partners, reviewers, moderators, curators, speakers, committees, and participants of KOMA DKV 2023 for their excellent cooperation and active participation throughout the entire event. We look forward to seeing everyone again next time.