Alumni: Natasha Tontey

Photo of Natasha Tontey, Photo Credit: Leandro Quintero 2022.

My name is Natasha Tontey. I am currently working as an artist and researcher. I studied in UPH from 2007 until 2011. My career started from working as a graphic designer and art director but my instinct and curiosity lead me into another pathway of becoming an artist and researcher. For me, design approach supports my artistic practice.

I believe some courses in DKV UPH would support the future wider career endeavour, especially Cross Cultural Design which was led by Bu Lala Santyaputri, encouraged us to organise a student exhibition outside the campus environment. This gives student a real practical experience beyond campus curriculum. Back then, we also had the late Pak Yongky Safanayong, the most-thought-provoking dean to our time. During the internship programme, I was an intern (and later employee) at Studio 1212 founded by Kak Max Suriaganda (lecturer of DKV 5 and Fashion Design), where I was taught the multidisciplinary aspect of design thinking through comprehensive methods. Not to forget, that one of the most memorable moment I had is the spatial experience of everyday life in Gedung B. The building is utilised for DKV classes, which was once a parking ramp that brought a Brutalist atmosphere alongside the depressive yet apocalyptic classroom in contrast with the hyper decorative kitschy scenery outside the building. A bizarre visual stimuli.

On the other note, I couldn’t recall which subject I found most impressive. As far as I remember, in UPH I met lecturers who were radically interesting who have become my mentors to this present day, Pak FX Harsono and Kak Max Suriaganda. Pak FX Harsono led the Aesthetic Philosophy course and was also my final assignment supervisor, whilst Kak Max led the DKV 5 and Fashion Design courses. In my opinion, visual communication design is very philosophical and does not have to be normative and industrial-based subject, so this course provides the basics for thinking about design philosophically, sustainably and multi-disciplinary.

Apart from the loaded assignments, studying at UPH was quite expensive. Time management is really crucial. Therefore, I am not sure whether to recommend it or not. However, to be honest, when I was in high school I was still confused about where to study, so maybe it would be better for the campus to provide more information for the potential candidates about visual communication design. I think understanding the inevitable high cost of campus assignment is important. There should be more engagements that might serve as opportunities for students and the general public. And, I hope the campus institution will foster a culture of curiosity, experimentation and creative response, to support students to work on the transformation of an existing project, the creative development of a new work, a new piece of research, or an experiment to try something new. Also perhaps it would be great for design campus institutions to reach and engage with diverse and broader cultural practices to foster the curious mind of the student.

Our parents might have a belief system for the ancient fiction called religion, but each religion has its own storytelling structure. What if we said, the only structure we should believe is the fiction inside our head. Every decision is fiction, all fiction is a decision.

Point 0.4 from the Manifesto of Tactile and Fanciful Tactics on How to Build a Speculative Future through 1.0 Alternatives and Plausible Cosmic Solutions — Natasha Tontey (2018)

Natasha Tontey is an artist and researcher based in between Jakarta and Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Her artistic practice predominantly explores the fictional accounts of the history and myths surrounding ‘manufactured fear.’ In her practice, she observes any possibilities of other futures that are projected not from the perspective of major and established institutions, but a subtle and personal struggle of the outcasted entities and beings. 

Her recent exhibitions include a solo show at Auto Italia, London, UK (2022). And selected group shows and screening at 34th Singapore International Film Festival (2023), Green Snakes at Tai Kwun Contemporary Hong Kong (2023), Voice Againts Reason at Museum MACAN Jakarta (2023),  57th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (2023), Singapore Biennale (2022); De Stroom Den Haag (2022); GHOST;2565, Bangkok, Thailand (2022); Protozone8 Queer Trust, Zürich, Switzerland (2022); Arko Art Council, Seoul, Korea (2022), Leeum Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea (2022); Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin (2021); transmediale, Berlin (2021); Performance Space 2021, Sydney; Other Futures, Amsterdam (2021); Singapore International Film Festival (2021), Kyoto Experiment 2021; Asian Film Archive, Singapore (2021).

In 2020, she received the HASH Award from the ZKM, Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe and Akademie Schloss-Solitude. She was a fellow for Human Machine of the Junge Akademie at Akademie der Künste Berlin 2021-2023.

Alumni: Eunike Florencia

Hi! I’m Eunike Florencia, a Graphic Design graduate from Pelita Harapan University’s class of 2017. After graduation, I delved into the entrepreneurial world as the founder of Hore Days, a business centered around illustration. My mission is to convey positive messages through my illustrations and bring joy to others’ lives. I first envisioned Hore Days during my time at UPH, and now, armed with the knowledge I acquired, I continue to manage it while also pursuing my passion for graphic design through various freelance projects since my university days.

My journey at UPH has been a mix of unforgettable moments and daunting challenges. I encountered setbacks, including failing multiple classes due to struggles in time management. Yet, each stumble pushed me to grow, revealing insights into my true purpose. I discovered more potential within myself, forged genuine connections, and cultivated new friendships not only within my major but also beyond, thanks to the numerous volunteer opportunities UPH offered.

My heart is filled with gratitude as I reflect on the years I spent at UPH, as they have transformed me for the better. Each course has its own valuable impact on me. However, there is one class that still evokes a warm feeling whenever I reminisce about it, and that is the Drawing Class with Mr. Donny Ibrahim. I remember being taught about perspective drawing and practicing live drawing together with charcoal in class, with my friends as the models.

Many other courses also provided us with the opportunity to go with our classmates and explore various works of art in different places and museums. This experience proves invaluable in our professional lives as it also broadens our knowledge.

I recommend young creatives who want to pursue design to study at UPH because not only does UPH instill Christian values and provide great facilities, but it also equipped me with a solid foundation in design and offered classes in soft skills to sustain my career in the industry. I acquired essential skills, such as time and project management skills, design thinking, and many more.

I remember the time when I was still a student at UPH, there was one lecturer who said that to be able to ‘think outside the box’, we first need to know what the ‘box’ is, and university is a time to identify that ‘box’.

Eunike Florencia

Alumni: Tabita Eleora

Hello! My name is Tabita Eleora, I’m one of the alumni in UPH 2019 (2019-2023). My major while I studied here was Visual Communication Design with a concentration in Animation. For the few years before I got into the concentration, I learned so much about the basic foundation on design. The process of design is no different within the concentrations and with these foundations, I was able to understand furthermore as I learned how to produce animation from pre-production to post-production. In my years of this concentration, I found myself interested in the storymaking aspect in animation production. 

Building stories and characters were some of the many things I have been interested in since I was young. I have been drawing for a long time, though I was more focused on sharpening my skills not too far back before I applied to study here in UPH. My knowledge of art was severely humbled when I got in, there’s so many aspects that makes someone a great designer and just being able to draw is not a full guarantee. To be a capable designer, we can’t all rely on skills and passion alone. There are theories, methods, even history to learn about. There’s dedicated research to understand the purpose of each design. Creating a design is a lot more of mindwork and practice, and something that can be studied diligently here at UPH.

The studies were a great foundation that helps me in understanding art and design, but UPH greatly encourages everyone to work together as a team. There’s a lot of projects that can’t be handled on your own. Communicating and discussing with your peers are much needed skills when our goal is to communicate a design, especially in the industry. Team projects were one of the challenges that truly helped me regain confidence and more skills. Being able to work with others is one of useful quality networking that people tend to remember.

One of the courses that helped me was “Desain untuk Masyarakat” or Design for Community. This course not only challenges us creatively, it challenges us to work as a team and solve problems that were presented. We were not only designing for scores, but we designed to lend a hand in providing our community our services. That alone has meaningful points that made me appreciate this course. I was able to learn more useful skills outside of designing. 

One of the things I remembered that stuck with me for the longest time was when my lecturer told us that “We will never stop learning in this industry.” This quote came true to me because after graduating, I find myself wanting to dive more about design. Creative work has no limit in learning, we’re constantly challenged in this day and age to mend our skills following trends and technology. And UPH offers fundamentals that gave me a heads up start in this learning experience.

Going into this industry, I have my own doubts at first. but with UPH’s guidance, I was able to be confident and believe in my passion to create. UPH allows me to discover myself and have my own journey in learning art and design. The process may have its ups and downs, yet it’s the process to create oneself. Something that I hold dear as I graduate and something I hope every future student who’d want to discover themselves with UPH.

Check out Tabita’s Final Project on this page.

SEE February 2024

Hello everyone. For the second SEE of 2024, some interesting things happened in the department for the past month.

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First of all, we welcome the students from VCD Universitas Multimedia Nusantara who joined the exchange student program. They have joined the online orientation and also currently attending several classes at VCD UPH this semester.

We also had student activites this month. First, the student farewell for the students that finished their final project last semester. Second, titled PDKT, which is a student bonding event held by the student association.

For this SEE’s featured work, we feature Felicia Karen Rawung’s final project. She is from the animation concentration, and her project was one of the best final project from the 2023/2024 Odd Semester.

Last update from January 2024 is that there were three new publications: de-lite, ARCHIVED, and UPH AICON 2023 Catalogue. We also republished one book that was from Design & Environment course back in 2021/2022.

We hope that everyone can be inspired more in February 2024.

ARCHIVED Vol. 1 No. 6

cover archived vol. 1 no. 6

ARCHIVED Vol. 1 No. 6 compiles works of VCD UPH from the 2016th batch to the 2019th batch in Konferensi Mahasiswa Desain Komunikasi Visual (KOMA DKV) throughout the years. This ARCHIVED celebrates the milestones and achievements of the students and KOMA DKV after four years.

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The works exhibited in this ARCHIVED are all works that has been submitted by the students on KOMA DKV. Each works is assessed by the committee of reviewers, and later by the invited designer or filmmakers. Through KOMA DKV Exhibition, the students received feedback and also inputs regarding their design and how can they be improved in the future.

de-lite: Journal of Visual Communication Design Vol. 3 No. 2

cover image for de-lite: Journal of Visual Communication Design Vol.3 No. 2

VCD UPH has just published the December 2023 edition of de-lite: Journal of Visual Communication Design Study & Practice. In this edition, there are seven articles authored by individuals from Universitas Pelita Harapan, Universitas Trisakti, Universitas Bunda Mulia, Universitas Mercu Buana, and Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. Three of the publications are from Universitas Pelita Harapan: “Identifikasi Permasalahan Desain Identitas Visual Restoran Warung Rawit,” “Lenyapnya Otentisitas Seniman Sebagai Konsekuensi Pemberlakuan Seni Sebagai Komoditas dari Perjalanan Artistik Thomas Gainsborough,” and “Pengaruh Pengalaman Praktik Magang Terhadap Kesiapan Bekerja (Studi Empiris: Mahasiswa Desain Komunikasi Visual Universitas Pelita Harapan).”

You can read de-lite here.

PDKT: Perkumpulan Desainer Kurang Tidur

On Friday, January 19, 2024, the Visual Communication Design student association at UPH organized a camaraderie night titled “PDKT: Perkumpulan Desainer Kurang Tidur” (Designers’ Association for the Sleep-Deprived). This camaraderie event invited students from the 2022 and 2023 batches to come together and foster connections. During the event, students were divided into groups where they competed and hunted for coins to win the evening’s competitions. After a long series of games, the students shared their impressions of the activities. The event then continued with a friendly gathering before the students headed home.

Students are making their team’s flag
One of the games that the students played
One of the games that the students played
photo of the winning team with the student association president

See the Instagram Highlights here.

Meet Our Alumni: Fredella Agatha

image of fredella agatha dkv uph 2018

Hello, my name is Fredella Agatha. I graduated with a degree in Visual Communication Design (DKV) from UPH in the class of 2018, specializing in graphic design. Currently, I work as a graphic designer at a marketing agency. In addition to my professional activities, I also nurture my hobby and interest in the field of typography by working as a freelance type designer.

Before enrolling in the Visual Communication Design program at UPH, I had little knowledge about graphic design – terms like balance and harmony in composition were unfamiliar to me. All I knew was that I enjoyed drawing. However, such skills alone were not sufficient to thrive in today’s design industry. Throughout my studies at UPH, I received guidance in both hard and soft skills. Here, we were not only shaped into competent and outstanding designers but also encouraged to have broad knowledge and remain open to learning new things.

Every course in the DKV program at UPH has left a significant impact on me, particularly Basic Typography and Experimental Typography. Basic Typography was the class that awakened my interest in the world of typography, while Experimental Typography inspired me to try creating my own font for the first time. Besides these two classes, one of the most memorable courses was the Main Studio, where I learned the fundamentals of graphic design and design semiotics. We were taught how to create work that is not only visually appealing but also meaningful, capable of effectively communicating messages and relevant to contemporary contexts.

My academic journey at DKV UPH has been an immensely enjoyable experience. Overall, I am highly satisfied with the campus environment and the facilities provided. Students are not only given the opportunity to learn in the classrooms but are also encouraged to participate in various organizations or communities. Additionally, the courses taught are relevant to the professional world, serving as a bridge as I entered the industry. This is undoubtedly a result of the dedication and efforts of the lecturers who wholeheartedly guide their students. I hope that this experience is not only cherished by me but is also shared by many other students out there. I highly recommend DKV UPH to students who are pursuing their passion in the field of design.

Fredella Agatha is an experienced graphic designer with 1.5 years in the industry, currently working remotely for a marketing agency overseas. Her expertise lies in crafting visually compelling designs that resonate with clients. Outside of her professional role, Fredella has a deep passion for typography, particularly in type design, which has become one of her favorite hobbies, offering a creative escape after long workdays.

“When you really want something, the whole universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

Paulo Coelho

See Fredella and other of our alumni projects here.

Publication: Desain Grafis Berkelanjutan

desain grafis berkelanjutan publication dkv uph

“Desain Grafis Berkelanjutan” was a collection of graphic design students’ research and experimentation on the “Design for Environment” course in the 2021/2022 academic year. Alfiansyah Zulkarnain, S.Sn., M.Ds. and Brian Alvin Hananto, S.Sn., M.Ds edited the book.

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E-ISBN: 978-623-7489-69-6

Meet our Alumni: Jefferson Kurnia

Jefferson Kurnia from VCD UPH 2015

Hi, my name is Jefferson Kurnia, an alumnus of DKV UPH from 2015 with a major in Animation. Currently, I work as a 3D Artist for JJ Group. Before joining JJ Group, I contributed to several projects both locally and internationally, such as the Tiger Bayu series, Auroria World, Mini Beats Power Rocker Movie, and the InAPP series.

I had a wonderful time studying at DKV UPH, where I acquired essential animation skills before venturing into the animation industry. The lecturers at UPH were very supportive, providing us with extra time to delve deeper into the professional aspects of 3D animation. One class that stood out for me was when we created our first 3D animation in groups. We spent a night at the UPH animation lab, overcoming challenges and learning the process of making a 3D short animation. Fortunately, our friends were supportive, helping us navigate through the challenges together.

I highly recommend UPH as an excellent institution for studying DKV Animation. They offer opportunities for students to explore and showcase their capabilities, participating in art competitions, exhibitions, and even presenting their works in cinemas.

Never doubt your passion as a career; your passion is an investment in your professional journey. This quote motivates me to continually learn and thrive in the animation industry.