Hello everyone! My name is Yolanda Tumilisar, and I am an alumna of UPH’s Visual Communication Design class of 2020, specializing in Graphic Design. Currently, I am still deciding whether to pursue a career in graphic design focusing on typography or continue my studies abroad.
Before applying to UPH’s Visual Communication Design program, I already had a strong interest in all aspects of design and was familiar with many basic design terms. Despite having this foundational knowledge, I had little professional design experience or skills. During my studies at UPH, we were given numerous opportunities to explore and expand ourselves both academically through classes and non-academically through student organizations, faculty events, and more. These opportunities allowed me to gain new perspectives and prepared me to face future challenges in the professional world.
During my nearly four years of study here, two courses had a significant impact on me: Art History & Civilization and Main Studio 2. Both courses helped me discover my passion for history, research, and typography design. Main Studio 2, in particular, gave us the freedom to explore various media and test our skills in designing based on our chosen topics.
Based on my UPH experience, the courses were instrumental in helping students understand the world of design both conceptually and practically. This was achieved through a robust teaching system that not only expanded on class projects but also provided direct exposure to the work environment through internships in studios, agencies, and other workplaces. This foundation equipped us with essential skills and critical thinking for entering the professional design industry.
I highly recommend UPH as an institution that educates and provides opportunities for students to develop their potential in their own unique ways. UPH also pays attention to minor details such as students’ religious beliefs and soft skills, which support their future endeavors after graduation.
“You will succeed in whatever you choose to do, and light will shine on the road ahead of you”