See May 2024

Happy Eid al-Fitr to friends who celebrate it. April is a month that may be more relaxed compared to previous months.

Besides being a holiday, the focus this month has shifted towards preparing for the Final Semester Exams, which will begin on April 29, 2024, until May 6, 2024. In addition to the Final Semester Exams, at the beginning of April, there is also a visual presentation for students who are working on their final projects.

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The completion of one semester signifies the beginning of a new semester. Hopefully, this semester can be completed well, and the next semester can be even more interesting and better for everyone.

SEE April 2024

March 2024 may have been one of the longest months for VCD UPH.

For weeks, the UPH Film Festival (UFF) 2024 has been prepared and finally held on March 23, 2024. UFF 2024 has achieved a new milestone by being the first UFF held away from UPH. Hopefully, future UFFs can set new records and achievements for the festival.

Another extensive activity conducted during March 2024 was the Learning Express 2024 with Singapore Polytechnic. This project-based learning activity is one form of intensive learning that is rich and has real impacts throughout the process.

In addition to these two activities, VCD UPH also carried out various other equally interesting activities, such as alumni sharing sessions and public lectures.

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Thank you everyone who partipated and supported VCD UPH throughout March 2024. Hopefully, April 2024 will bring even richer positive experiences.

Stay blessed and stay bright.

SEE February 2024

Hello everyone. For the second SEE of 2024, some interesting things happened in the department for the past month.

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First of all, we welcome the students from VCD Universitas Multimedia Nusantara who joined the exchange student program. They have joined the online orientation and also currently attending several classes at VCD UPH this semester.

We also had student activites this month. First, the student farewell for the students that finished their final project last semester. Second, titled PDKT, which is a student bonding event held by the student association.

For this SEE’s featured work, we feature Felicia Karen Rawung’s final project. She is from the animation concentration, and her project was one of the best final project from the 2023/2024 Odd Semester.

Last update from January 2024 is that there were three new publications: de-lite, ARCHIVED, and UPH AICON 2023 Catalogue. We also republished one book that was from Design & Environment course back in 2021/2022.

We hope that everyone can be inspired more in February 2024.

“See” December 2023

Our Newsletter for December 2023 has been published.

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“See” October 2023

Our Newsletter for October 2023 has been published.

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“See” September 2023

Our Newsletter for this month has been published.

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