SEE April 2024

March 2024 may have been one of the longest months for VCD UPH.

For weeks, the UPH Film Festival (UFF) 2024 has been prepared and finally held on March 23, 2024. UFF 2024 has achieved a new milestone by being the first UFF held away from UPH. Hopefully, future UFFs can set new records and achievements for the festival.

Another extensive activity conducted during March 2024 was the Learning Express 2024 with Singapore Polytechnic. This project-based learning activity is one form of intensive learning that is rich and has real impacts throughout the process.

In addition to these two activities, VCD UPH also carried out various other equally interesting activities, such as alumni sharing sessions and public lectures.

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Thank you everyone who partipated and supported VCD UPH throughout March 2024. Hopefully, April 2024 will bring even richer positive experiences.

Stay blessed and stay bright.

Alumni Sharing: Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah

Thursday, March 14, 2024, alumni of Visual Communication Design (DKV) at UPH from the class of 2017, Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah, shared his experience working in an animation studio. Ronaldo, commonly known as Ronnie, shared insights into the animation industry and the management of the animation studio where he works, Pixel Zoo. During the session, Ronaldo also encouraged and recounted his journey in preparing himself to work in foreign companies.

Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah Sharing About Animation Pipeline
Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah Sharing About Animation Pipeline
Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah With the Film Management Class
Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah With the Film Management Class

Thank you, Ronnie, for your enthusiasm in sharing your story with us. You can visit Ronnie’s Instagram page here.