VCD UPH has just published IMATYPE: Journal of Graphic Design Studies Vol. 3 No. 1.
In this publication, there are seven articles containing research articles, designs, and also about design education. VCD UPH itself contributes three articles in the publication, namely:
- Analisis Permasalahan Identitas Visual Lawana Batik Indonesia by Jessica Valencia and Kartika Magdalena Suwanto.
- Analisis Masalah Identitas Visual Kedai Suwe Ora Jamu sebagai Upaya Pembaharuan Identitas Visual melalui Representasi Kultural by Angelyn Aurelia and Chandra Djoko Zuki.
- Design Case: Character Design Workshop for SDH Kupang Highschool Students by Brian Alvin Hananto, Ellis Melini, Alfiansyah Zulkarnain, Naldo Yanuar Heryanto, and Ferdinand Indrajaya.

Other articles on this publications are:
- Analisa Brand Identity Obalihara
- Perancangan Buku Panduan untuk Mencegah Postpartum Depreseeion untuk Calon Ibu dan Ayah
- Perancangan Buku Ilustrasi Interaktif Edukasi 3 Kata Ajaib: Maaf, Terima Kasih, dan Tolong untuk Siswa TK Negeri di Jabodetabek
- Strategi Visual untuk Rebranding Hanis Kitchen sebagai Peningkatan Citra
You can read and download each article freely through the Open Journal System of IMATYPE: Journal of Graphic Design Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 here.