Learning Express March 2024

For approximately two weeks, Singapore Polytechnic visited Universitas Pelita Harapan to conduct the Learning Express (LEX). LEX is a design thinking module conducted by Singapore Polytechnic with its university partners. This time, Universitas Pelita Harapan became the only LEX partner in Indonesia. In this LEX activity, three faculties from UPH participated: the Faculty of Design, the Faculty of Tourism, and the Faculty of Science and Technology.

Expert Sharing Session
Expert Sharing Session
Before Empathy Study
Before Empathy Study

In the March 2024 LEX, there were three projects that is collaboratively handled by UPH students and students from Singapore Polytechnic. The first project involved Sekolah Darussalam in Tangerang, Kebun Kandang Educational Eco Tourism, and Sustainable Dodol Making with Dodol Pak Oyot.

Learning Express Empathy Study
Empathy Study
Learning Express Empathy Study
Empathy Study
Empathy Study
Empathy Study

In these three projects, the LEX team conducted data collection and idea development, which were then presented back to stakeholders. The final outcome of this LEX was a gallery walk, where each issue and idea were presented to the public to receive feedback and input.

Preparation for Co-Creation
Preparation for Co-Creation
Preparation for Learning Express Gallery Walk
Preparation for Learning Express Gallery Walk
Learning Express Gallery Walk
Learning Express Gallery Walk

Upon completion of this LEX activity, UPH is committed to continuing to develop these three projects according to the capacity and potential that may be achieved. Hopefully, through this LEX activity, students can learn and gain valuable experience implementing their learning in real-life situations.

Co-Creation at SMK Darussalam
Co-Creation at SMK Darussalam
Co-Creation at Kebun Kandang
Co-Creation at Kebun Kandang
Co-Creation at Dodol Pak Oyot
Co-Creation at Dodol Pak Oyot

Thank you Singapore Polytechnic for this wonderful opportunity and collaboration in Learning Express March 2024. We look forward for our next collaboration.

Photo at the Learning Express Gallery Walk
Photo at the Learning Express Gallery Walk

Read about the LEX March 2024 Opening

UFF 2024: “Urbanity”

On Saturday, March 23, 2024, the UPH Film Festival 2024 was held at XXI Aeon Mall BSD. The event proceeded smoothly and joyfully, with students, alumni, and invited guests filling the XXI studio throughout the afternoon until evening. The event commenced with welcoming videos from the Dean of the UPH Faculty of Design and the Chair of the Visual Communication Design Program at UPH. Following this, the event continued with a talk show featuring speakers Wregas Bhanuteja and Inarah Syarafina, who shared their experiences and perspectives on the current film industry.

From Left to Right: Inarah Syarafina, Wregas Bhanuteja, and Dr. Lala Palupi Santyaputri, S.Sn., M.Si.
From Left to Right: Inarah Syarafina, Wregas Bhanuteja, and Dr. Lala Palupi Santyaputri, S.Sn., M.Si.

After discussions with the speakers and a Q&A session with the audience, the UFF event proceeded with the presentation of appreciation to the speakers by the Chair of the UPH Film Festival 2024 and the Chair of the Visual Communication Design Program at UPH. Subsequently, works by alumni and students from VCD UPH were showcased, including those in cinematography, animation, and graphic design.

Appreciation to UFF 2024 Speakers
Appreciation to UFF 2024 Speakers

VCD UPH and the entire UPH Film Festival 2024 committee extend their gratitude to the speakers, sponsors, and media partners for their support in this edition of the UPH Film Festival 2024. It is hoped that UPH Film Festival 2024 can become a new monument in visual communication design education, especially within VCD UPH.

The UFF 2024 Committee in XXI Aeon Mall BSD City
The UFF 2024 Committee in XXI Aeon Mall BSD City

See you at UFF 2025 and other events organized by VCD UPH. For more about UFF, visit UFF’s Instagram page.

Photo Credits: Hizkia Kustiawan & Louis Alexander Setiabudi

Alumni: Felicia Kristella

Felicia Kristella
Felicia Kristella

Hello there! My name is Felicia Kristella. I’m an alumna of VCD UPH, having graduated in 2020 with a degree in Graphic Design. After graduation, I worked as a freelance graphic designer for three years, and now I’m currently employed as a full-time graphic designer at an agency located in Jakarta.

Initially, I enrolled as an Interior Design student at UPH, but I soon realized that it wasn’t my true calling in life. After one year of studying Interior Design, I made the decision to switch my major to Visual Communication Design. It was a challenging transition, as I felt somewhat behind my peers of the same age. However, I turned this struggle into motivation to work harder towards achieving my goals. I was determined to excel in my new path.

My university journey felt like a rollercoaster ride, with some challenges proving to be both rewarding and difficult to overcome. The VCD curriculum at UPH is incredibly thorough, covering everything from the basics of drawing, design principles, typography, and layout, to broader topics like branding and design thinking. Through this experience, I was able to identify my strengths, interests, and gain clarity on what I wanted to pursue in the future.

College is not just about academics; it’s also about the people you meet along the way. Some friends become your closest allies, while others inspire you to strive for greater achievements. Some lecturers may push you hard, but in the end, you realize it’s for your own benefit. Despite the challenges, the support system in college makes the journey worthwhile. That’s why I highly recommend pursuing your studies at VCD UPH. Just make sure to make the most of your time there.

One quote that has always resonated with me since my high school days is “Do your best and let God do the rest” – Ben Carson. This mindset has guided me through both the highs and lows of my academic and professional journey.

Check Felicia’s Instagram page here.

Public Lecture with DJKI Indonesia

On Thursday, March 21, 2024, VCD UPH conducted a public lecture and combined class from the courses of Design Management and Film Management. In this public lecture, VCD UPH invited the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) of Indonesia to share explanations, procedures, and the importance of having intellectual property as designers.

During the lecture, the Rector of UPH, Dr. (Hon.) Jonathan L. Parapak, M.Eng.Sc., explained the importance of understanding developments and identifying opportunities for innovation in creating works for the attending students. He hoped that by attending this lecture, students could be educated and motivated to create even better works.

Dr. (Hon.) Jonathan L. Parapak, M.Eng.Sc. Opening the Lecture
Dr. (Hon.) Jonathan L. Parapak, M.Eng.Sc. Opening the Lecture

The material presentation was delivered by Mr. Andi Mardani from DJKI Indonesia. He explained the types of intellectual property recognized worldwide, and how intellectual property is regulated and protected in Indonesia. He emphasized the importance for students to understand their rights as innovators who produce various innovative creations.

Andi Mardani from DJKI Indonesia Sharing About Intellectual Property
Andi Mardani from DJKI Indonesia Sharing About Intellectual Property

We would like to thank Dr. (Hon.) Jonathan L. Parapak, M.Eng.Sc., and Mr. Andi Mardani for their time in sharing with the students of VCD UPH.

Photo Credit by Elbert Nathanael J.

Alumni: Agatha Samuella Kristijanto

Agatha Samuella Kristijanto

Hello readers! I am graduating from Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), class of 2019, with a major in visual communication design and a specialization in animation. My name is Agatha Samuella Kristijanto, and it is lovely to meet you!

My journey at UPHwas a special one. It was not only about learning about art and design but also about learning more about myself. Many unexpected things happened. Sometimes challenging, sometimes exhausting, tearful, but there was also a lot of joy and things to be grateful for.

I experienced campus life for only one and a half years because of COVID restrictions, and we had to change the learning method to online classes. I was flying back to my hometown at that time.

I would say my first year at the university was tough. I had to adjust in many areas: campus life, friendships, and my private life. There were many new things I had to learn quickly. But I am very thankful because of the help of the lecturers and seniors; I managed to survive well. The design world has countless genres, techniques, types, and styles. I learned that each of us has time to find our style. Some already have, some haven’t, which includes me, and there’s nothing wrong with that. I can learn many new things, and I enjoyed most of the lessons, such as learning motion graphics, creating characters, painting, and many more. But if I may choose, my favorite lesson is 3D modeling.

3D modeling is a new thing I learned. I never imagined I could know 3D, and I didn’t expect I’d like it. The lecturer taught us about applications like Maya, ZBrush, and Substance Painter. In Maya, we learned how to create good topology, neat models, etc. In ZBrush, we could sculpt our models from Maya to add more detail or create a model from scratch. After the model is finished, Substance Painter helps us provide texture and color to produce a complete model.

We also learned how the animation industry works, from pre-production to post-production. It was a fun class. The lecturer was passionate about his job as a modeler, dedicated, and full of effort, so I could ask many questions and learn a lot. I am highly impressed with this class. Overall, I was satisfied with everything I experienced at this university. I’ll take it as an experience to grow even more through every thick and thin I’ve been through. And as a path that leads me to the next journey.

I will surely recommend DKV UPH to my friends, relatives, and everyone I know so they can learn in a fun and good environment as I did.

Check out Agatha’s Final Project here.

Drajad Koncara in VCD UPH Public Lecture

On Tuesday, March 19, 2024, VCD UPH invites Mr. Drajad Koncara in a seminar as an appreciation for the “hidden gems” of modern Indonesian comics. This event delved into the strength of national style, techniques for producing art in comic format, and the artistic values that still exist and deserve to be advocated for in competition with the imported comic industry.

Students Looking at Mr. Drajad Koncara's Various Work
Students Looking at Mr. Drajad Koncara’s Various Work
Photo of Mr. Drajad Koncara and Participants of the Lecture
Photo of Mr. Drajad Koncara and Participants of the Lecture

Thank you, Mr. Drajad Koncara, for your time and opportunity to share your experiences and knowledge with all of us.

LEX March 2024 Opening

VCD UPH once again collaborated with Singapore Polytechnic in the Learning Express (LEX) event from March 18 to 27, 2024.

In this activity, students from Singapore Polytechnic worked together with students from Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) in project-based learning using a design thinking approach. UPH students participating in the LEX activity are a combination of students from the Faculty of Design, Faculty of Science and Technology (FaST), and the Faculty of Tourism.

Singapore Polytechnic Students Arriving at Universitas Pelita Harapan
Singapore Polytechnic Students Arriving at Universitas Pelita Harapan

On March 19, 2024, the opening of the LEX event took place, inaugurated by the rector of UPH, Dr. (Hon.) Jonathan L. Parapak, M.Eng.Sc., followed by introductions between UPH students and those from Singapore Polytechnic. Subsequently, there was a deep dive into understanding the design thinking material as part of their project-based learning preparation.

UPH's Rector, Dr. (Hon.) Jonathan L. Parapak, M.Eng.Sc., Welcoming Singapore Polytechnic's Representative
UPH’s Rector, Dr. (Hon.) Jonathan L. Parapak, M.Eng.Sc., Welcoming Singapore Polytechnic’s Representative
Photo of Everyone at the Learning Express Program's Opening
Photo of Everyone at the Learning Express Program’s Opening

Curious about how this edition of LEX UPH and Singapore Polytechnic is being carried out? Follow VCD UPH, Faculty of Design UPH, and LEX UPH on Instagram.

IMATYPE: Journal of Graphic Design Studies Vol. 3 No. 1

VCD UPH has just published IMATYPE: Journal of Graphic Design Studies Vol. 3 No. 1.

In this publication, there are seven articles containing research articles, designs, and also about design education. VCD UPH itself contributes three articles in the publication, namely:

  1. Analisis Permasalahan Identitas Visual Lawana Batik Indonesia by Jessica Valencia and Kartika Magdalena Suwanto.
  2. Analisis Masalah Identitas Visual Kedai Suwe Ora Jamu sebagai Upaya Pembaharuan Identitas Visual melalui Representasi Kultural by Angelyn Aurelia and Chandra Djoko Zuki.
  3. Design Case: Character Design Workshop for SDH Kupang Highschool Students by Brian Alvin Hananto, Ellis Melini, Alfiansyah Zulkarnain, Naldo Yanuar Heryanto, and Ferdinand Indrajaya.
Cover of IMATYPE: Journal of Graphic Design Studies Vol. 3 No. 1
Cover of IMATYPE: Journal of Graphic Design Studies Vol. 3 No. 1

Other articles on this publications are:

  1. Analisa Brand Identity Obalihara
  2. Perancangan Buku Panduan untuk Mencegah Postpartum Depreseeion untuk Calon Ibu dan Ayah
  3. Perancangan Buku Ilustrasi Interaktif Edukasi 3 Kata Ajaib: Maaf, Terima Kasih, dan Tolong untuk Siswa TK Negeri di Jabodetabek
  4. Strategi Visual untuk Rebranding Hanis Kitchen sebagai Peningkatan Citra

You can read and download each article freely through the Open Journal System of IMATYPE: Journal of Graphic Design Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 here.

Alumni Sharing: Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah

Thursday, March 14, 2024, alumni of Visual Communication Design (DKV) at UPH from the class of 2017, Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah, shared his experience working in an animation studio. Ronaldo, commonly known as Ronnie, shared insights into the animation industry and the management of the animation studio where he works, Pixel Zoo. During the session, Ronaldo also encouraged and recounted his journey in preparing himself to work in foreign companies.

Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah Sharing About Animation Pipeline
Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah Sharing About Animation Pipeline
Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah With the Film Management Class
Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah With the Film Management Class

Thank you, Ronnie, for your enthusiasm in sharing your story with us. You can visit Ronnie’s Instagram page here.

UPH Film Festival: Urbanity

UPH Film Festival Urbanity

Prepare yourself for an electrifying cinematic journey at the UPH Film Festival, where the spotlight shines on this year’s theme, “Urbanity.” UFF ignites a dynamic stage for UPH’s Visual Communication Design (DKV) students to unleash their creativity through riveting short films, spanning fiction, documentary, and animations.

But wait, there’s more! Amidst the spellbinding screenings, brace yourselves for the presence of two distinguished guest speakers: Wregas Bhanuteja, the visionary Director & Writer, and Inarah Syarafina, the revered Director, gracing our event with their insights.

Circle the date on your calendar: Saturday, March 23, 2024, from 11:30 AM to 4:00 PM, at XXI Aeon Mall in BSD City, Tangerang Selatan. Seize the chance to dive deep into the realm of cinema and unleash your creative spirit!

Secure your spot by registering for the event through this link. We look forward to seeing you there!

For further details, reach out to Emily Valeary at +62877 8866 1204 or visit the UPH Film Festival’s Instagram Page.